Monday, August 13, 2012

ROP Surgery

Long day but Ella got through her ROP surgery well.  It didn't happen until 4pm but it only lasted about 45 minutes.  Everyone was so kind and made special efforts for Ella.  I did good until they brought the ventilator and transport isolette over, then it got real and the anxiety set in.  But actually, I handled this surgery much better than the previous two.  So did Ella.

She is off the ventilator!  They have her on a low flow cannula, barely.  

They resumed her feeds at 8:30pm (her last feed today was 4:30am, hungry girl).  She was happy to eat again but her throat must be sore from the intubation because she didn't take it all at once like usual.  

She should sleep well tonight.

I am home, fed the dogs, fed myself. Meeting with the GI doctor at Ella's bedside at 8am tomorrow!!

Thank you for all of your prayers and positive energy!  Good night! 


  1. So glad it went well. Get yourself some much needed rest. Hope Ella has a restful night.

  2. Go, Ella!
    Glad to hear it went well, and you both are now resting. Here's to a great meeting with the GI doctor!

  3. I'm so glad she's already off the vent. Yay Ella! And so relieved that you're finally meeting with the GI doc.

  4. Yay that it went well!! Hope you get some decent rest tonight. : )


  5. I think about you two all the time and wish you the best!

  6. Yeah Ella! So glad all went so smoothly.

  7. I am so glad the surgery went well! I hope the GI doc gives you all the info you need.

  8. Wonderful news! praying for y'all both all the time - hope things continue to go well.

  9. So glad that the surgery went well. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  10. I'm so glad she tolerated the surgery well. Now she can work on getting bigger and stronger.


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