April 24 - 30 is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). I've been very active on Twitter this week in support of NIAW.
For NIAW this year, Resolve has challenged the IF community to Bust A Myth about Infertility. I've been contemplating this blog post all month, but for some reason I've been unable to sit down and write it. I've written the post in my head, but when I try to write it, it's blank. So be warned, I have no idea what's to come in the paragraphs ahead.
As many myths as there are about infertility, I really want to write about the Truths.
MYTH: Single women are not infertile, they just need a partner.
TRUTH: Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after 12 months of trying to conceive. If you are over the age of 35, the time of TTC is reduced to 6 months. I started TTC at 38 and every cycle has been under the care of an RE. I can't help but wonder if I had started years before if I would have struggled with infertility or not? So many young couples experience infertility! 1 in 4 women in their late 30's and 40's will experience fertility challenges.
MYTH: If you are infertile, do IVF, it always works.
TRUTH: Infertility is a medical problem that can be emotionally, socially and financially crippling. IVF is unbelievably expensive with no guarantees, it does NOT work for everyone. And if the magic bullet (IVF) doesn't work, the heartbreak is extraordinary. I've had two failed IVF's and I'm blessed with very good infertility insurance coverage. Even with this coverage each cycle still has significant uncovered costs. I would not be able to afford to continue treatment without my insurance coverage. I'm one of the few lucky ones who are covered, most are not.
I had so much more to say, but I just don't feel like I'm doing the topic justice. I'm on my second consecutive cycle with 0% chance of success (no treatments) which is simply frustrating.
For what it's worth, I did post this week on Facebook for the first time anything related to my TTC/SMC/Infertility. I didn't directly "come out" on Facebook, this is what I posted:
"Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith-questioning, relationship-testing, soul crushing, life-altering experience. April 24 - 30 is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). Whether a friend, a family member, a colleague or yourself has fought through this difficult fate that MILLIONS of people are fighting day in and day out, post this as your status if you or someone you know has walked to Hell and back for the chance to be a MOM! Visit Resolve for more information."
Anyone who has followed my blog for any period of time knows the emotional toll infertility has taken on me. They also know, I wont give up!
One last message, if you know someone who struggles with primary infertility (the inability to conceive their first child) please be very sensitive to them with Mother's Day coming up in a week. For me, Mother's Day is the most difficult holiday and a HUGE reminder of my pain.
For more information on NIAW visit http://www.resolve.org/takecharge or