I've had this "back up plan" in my head for years, but of course hoped that I'd find my love first. At the same time, I've never been one to wait for a man to do what I want in life; I've bought a house (a few over the years), traveled extensively, invested, have dogs, etc. The biggest thing in my life I've been waiting in "him" for is to have a family.
I've just begun taking "baby" steps to start a family. I've had a physical, gone to the open house at a highly recommended endocrinology clinic and set an appointment with the doctor there. I'm reading everything I can get my hands on about being a "Choice mom" and talking with my friends about being a support system for me and my child.
Over the coming months I will dive into all of this and more: sharing my journey, what I am learning, the difficult decisions, the family concerns (parents & siblings), financial concerns, planning for the unexpected, the emotions...
Thank you for reading. As I work through a few of the concerns listed (family & job), I will remove the anonymous nature of my postings. I have also set up a twitter account. Follow me @singlemom2b