Monday, December 6, 2010

7 Eggs

My retrieval was this morning and it went very well.  7 eggs were retrieved.  I'm now anxiously awaiting the call tomorrow that will report on fertilization.

Recovery has been easy, no actual pain, just slight cramping.  I'm thankful for that because initial recovery from my Hysteroscopy in May was extremely painful.

The target is to do the transfer on Saturday (5 day transfer), if it's a 3 day transfer it will be Thursday.  And from what I gather... either way, I wont have much advance notice (a matter of hours)... which makes the planner in me frustrated.  A Saturday transfer is fine... but a Thursday transfer - at the last minute - will be a pain to deal with from a work perspective.  But I'll do whatever is necessary.

My friends ROCK!  J picked me up and and drove me to the clinic. L picked me up and brought me home, with my specially requested Gatoraide.  D was on stand-by should my rides fall through... not that they would.  Thanks J, L & D!!!

My heart remains heavy for Paige and everything she is going through.  There are no words.


  1. That is a great number.. Can't wait to hear th fertilization report. I will probably have my ER this weekend and I'm glad to know that it wasn't too painful.

  2. Wow it is almost here. Good luck with everything - I am cheering you on.

  3. 7 is AWESOME!! Can't wait to hear your fert report!!

  4. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the embryos take you to a day 5 transfer. Good luck!

  5. I don't know much about IVF and numbers of eggs, but seven is my favorite number. Praying for a great fertilization report and that everything works out for a Saturday transfer.

  6. Awesome number!! Lucky seven...keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  7. YAY!!! I'm so happy for you that it went so well! Here's to an awesome fertilization report and a 5 day transfer :)

  8. That is terrific number! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping you obtain a 5 day transfer!

  9. I thought about you this morning around 8:30. I figured you were either in there or heading in. Glad to hear it all went well!

  10. Yay! 7 is a wonderful number! Anxiously awaiting the fertilization report along with you.

  11. 7 eggs totally rock! I hope they all fertilize tonight and grow strong. I had a 2 day transfer with just 2, so you should be set for a great cycle!

  12. Thinking of you friend! And those 7 beautiful eggs!

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